Terms and Conditions
Global forex Funding
DATE OF LATEST UPDATE: October 20, 2023

Welcome to Global Forex Funding Funding Program! Global Forex Funding Funding Program (the “Company”) provides you (“you” or the “Trader”) with a limited license to use the services (the “Services”) offered by the Company subject to the terms and conditions contained herein (the “Agreement”).

This Agreement is a legally binding contract, and you have a duty to read this Agreement before using the accessing the Services offered by the Company. By using the Services, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions contained within this Agreement.
The Company reserves the right to suspend, replace, modify, amend, or terminate this Agreement at any time and within its sole and absolute discretion. In the event The Company replaces, modifies, or amends this Agreement, your continued use of the Services after a change in the Effective Date of said changes will constitute your agreement to any replacement, modification, or amendment to this Agreement.

1. Trader Representations

By using the Services, you represent that you at least eighteen (18) years old and are of sound mind and that you have the capacity to agree to and uphold the terms and conditions contained within this Agreement. If you use the Services on behalf of a business entity or other third-party, then you represent that you have actual authority to act as an agent of that business entity or third-party, and that you have the right and ability to agree to and bind that third-party or business entity to the terms of this Agreement on its behalf.

You represent that your use of the Services does not violate any law, regulation, ordinance, statute, or treaty that is applicable to individuals or business entities located in the jurisdiction in which you live. You further represent that you are not prohibited from entering into this Agreement by the terms of any preexisting agreement.

2. Limited License

The Company provides you with limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-assignable, revocable, and royalty-free license to use the Services for its customary and intended purposes. You are expressly prohibited from scraping, framing, hacking, reverse engineering, crawling, or aggregating the Services, the Company Website, whether in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company.

You acknowledge and agree that your limited use of the Services does not entitle you to any license or intellectual property rights to any technology, intellectual property, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets of the Company or any third-party contractor thereof. You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Services is limited by the terms of this Agreement, and you expressly agree that you will not use the Services in any manner that is not expressly authorized under the terms of this Agreement. The Company reserves all of its rights not expressly granted through this Agreement.

This license is revocable at any time, and any rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved for the Company.

3. Prohibited Uses

You are expressly prohibited from using the Services to violate any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or treaty, whether local, state, provincial, national, or international, or to violate the rights of a third-party, including, but not limited to intellectual property rights, privacy rights, rights of publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights.

Additionally, you are expressly prohibited from scraping, crawling, framing, posting unauthorized links to, aggregating, hacking, performing denial of service (DOS) attacks on, reverse engineering, or circumventing technological protection measures of the Services or the Company website.

You are also prohibited from using the Services or the Company website to transmit unsolicited commercial emails to third parties or Traders of the Company. While The Company is not responsible for any such content posted by its Traders and does not have the affirmative obligations to monitor such content, it does reserve the right to remove them.

You are also prohibited from using any trading strategy that is expressly prohibited by Think Markets (the “Broker”). Such prohibited trading (“Prohibited Trading”) shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Exploiting errors or latency in the pricing and/or platform(s) provided by the Broker
  • Utilizing non-public and/or insider information
  • Front-running of trades placed elsewhere
  • New trading is allowed, however placing a buy / sell limit or a buy / sell stop at the same time is prohibited. For example, if you are looking to place a buy limit, you will not be allowed to place a sell limit at the same time during red folder news.
  • Trading in any way that jeopardizes the relationship that the Company has with a broker or may result in the canceling of trades
  • Trading in any way that creates regulatory issues for the Broker
  • Utilizing any third-party strategy, off-the-shelf strategy or one marketed to pass assessment accounts
  • Utilizing an EA to pass an assessment and then manual trading the funded account
  • Trade Signals Although finding out if people are using signals is very difficult, if we do manage to do so, your account will be breached and no refund will be issued. You will not be blacklisted but will be monitored for future accounts to ensure all trades are your own.
  • Hedging, between accounts,
  • Cross trading between Global Forex Funding and other proprietary firms,
  • Consistent use of Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is prohibited. This is an investment strategy where you invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of market conditions. The idea is that over time, market volatility will average out, and you’ll be able to buy more shares when the market is down and fewer shares when it’s up,
  • Holding a single share Equity CFD position into n earnings release pertaining to that underlying equity. To avoid being in breach of this rule, you must close all such single share equity CFD positions by 3:50pm Eastern time on the day of the release, if an aftermarket release, or on the preceding day, if a before market open release. Violation of this rule will constitute an immediate, hard breach of your account and any gain or loss on said position will be removed from any profit calculations.
  • Group trading.
  • We have a strict policy against the use of the martingale trading strategy, which involves opening multiple positions whilst your original trade is in drawdown in the hopes of recouping the losses with subsequent wins. This strategy has been shown to be highly risky and can quickly lead to significant losses, which is why we do not allow its use on our platform. We believe that prudent risk management and a focus on sustainable trading strategies are key to long-term success in the markets. Therefore, we encourage our clients to adopt responsible trading practices and use strategies that align with our values and objectives. (Martingale/smooth martingale) trades will be void after adding more than two positions whilst in drawdown and subsequently deducted from overall payout on funded accounts, whilst all challenge phases that have been found to be using martingale will be voided and refunded.

If the Company detects that your trading constitutes Prohibited Trading, your participation in the program will be terminated and may include forfeiture of any fees paid to the Company. Additionally, and before any Trader shall receive a funded account, the trading activity of the Trader under these Terms and Conditions shall be reviewed by both the Company and the Broker to determine whether such trading activity constitutes Prohibited Trading. In the case of Prohibited Trading, the Trader shall not receive a funded account.

4. Refund Policy

The Company may provide products, services, subscriptions, or access to certain portions of the Company’s website at a monetary cost. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. The Company may allow such purchases on its website or via a white-label affiliate. It is your responsibility to thoroughly read and understand any such terms and conditions. By making any such purchases, you agree that the Company has no responsibility and acquires no liability for any claim related to your purchases.

Upon the complete purchase of a product, service, subscription, or access to certain portions of the Company website, the Company will make any said product, service, or access will be available to you following the approved transaction.

There are no refunds on any Services purchased from the Company.

A 2.5% threshold must be hit upon requesting your performance fee for your refund to be eligible & sent.